How to use Coptrol in hydroponic systems
Controlling algae in a hydroponic system can be difficult.
When algae are present in a system:
What steps should be taken to stop algae growing?
Algae need light, water and food to grow. You cannot do much about the water and the nutrients but you can stop the light. Wherever light penetrates the nutrient solution action should be taken to stop it. Make sure you have a light proof nutrient reservoir made from opaque material and a lid. Then light proof all the channels, the entry and exit points of the solution.
Recommended Dose Rates
If your initial source of water is a farm dam or pond Coptrol should be used to eliminate algae. It can even be used to prevent an algae bloom as it remains active in the water until algae bloom and is never wasted.
Coptrol will not harm your plants.